Bugs Inside? Try These Tips to Pest-Proof Your Home - Energeticcity.ca

2022-07-23 03:23:24 By : Mr. Reyphon Frank

Ants in the entryway or earwigs in the closet? If these common pests are making you squirm, you’re not alone. It’s normal for bugs to make their way into your home in the summer, but you don’t have to let them stay! 

If your space is currently home to more than its fair share of any of these pests, here are a few tips for ridding your house of common insects and pest-proofing your home for the future.

You have several options for handling an infestation, ranging from mechanical to chemical. The first step is always to identify what type of pest you’re dealing with and where they’re coming from.

Then, follow up with one of these pest control strategies.

Photo: chee gin tan via gettyimages.com

If you’ve tried traps, natural, and chemical strategies, and you still have unwanted houseguests, it’s definitely time to call in the pros. (Although, there’s no shame in bringing in the pros after even one unsuccessful DIY pest control option, especially if you’ve got a phobia of your pest.) 

Make sure to read up on the pesticide they will be using around your home and how long you should keep children or animals out of the area.

As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Keep your home pest-free with some simple daily guidelines. 

Start by removing the things that make your home inviting to bugs, like cluttered places to hide, scraps of food (or trash), and standing water. You may even want to cover pet water bowls at night and tightly cover any garbage cans in your house. 

Here are several additional measures you can take to pest-proof your home:

This summer, don’t let those bugs get the better of you. Target your pests, eliminate any already in your space, and use our tips to maintain a clean, pest-free, and pest-proof home.

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